2U 24 x 2.5" NVMe Hot-Swap High Availability Barebone Storage Chassis with 2 x AIC Pavo Motherboards

PCICASE Model No: HA202-PV
Manufacturer Model No: HA202-PV( XP1-A202PV01)
7-28 Day Delivery
Features & Benefits

HA202-PV is a 2U 24-Bay NVMe storage server solution that provides high-availability with accelerated performance. HA202-PV comes with two AIC Pavo Server Boards (one board per node), each supporting dual Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors. Both nodes process I/O, and provide simultaneous and balanced access to the logical devices, which significantly increases overall cluster performance. When failure occurs, the secondary node automatically takes over the devices, client connections, and all processes/services of the system. By eliminating SPOFs (single points of failure) and designed for redundancy and end-to-end data protection, the HA202-PV provides protection from storage system down time and loss of revenue when access to data resources and critical business applications are in-interruptible. Its support of NVMe SSDs allows for super-fast data access, and is optimized for mission-critical, enterprise-level storage applications.


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